Nadine Burton, B.S. M.P.H., International Health Specialist, provides technical assistance
is a many areas. Ms Burton's expertise covers the breadth of women's health issues, including HIV/AIDS, reproductive health,
and maternal and child health. An expert in management of health organizations, she is experienced in needs assessment,
capacity building and mentoring, training and training of trainers, team building and technical assistance, strategic
planning and management, program design, health care project management, policy analysis and advocacy, health
communication, social marketing, financial planning and monitoring, and board interaction and development. Ms.
Burton acquired her experience and skills over a 25 year career of independent consulting and working with large
research consulting firms, including RTI, FHI and the Futures group. She has developed training modules in gender-specific
systems of reproductive care, recommendations for integrating STD/HIV into Reproductive Health Services and helped
develop the National AIDS Hotline. She served as Deputy Executive Director and Project Manager of the US Government
National AIDS Hotline and of the CDC National Sexually Transmitted Diseases Hotline. At Ipas, she was Head of the
Africa Unit, conducting clinical research and evaluation for the development of appropriate contraceptive and
reproductive health technology for special populations. In addition to a Bachelors degree in Linguistics, Ms.
Burton is fluent in several languages and holds a M.P.C. (Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry) Propédeutique
from the University of Paris and a Masters degree in Policy and Health Administration from UNC Chapel Hill.